Cookie Policy


This website ( uses cookies because they are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and are intended to provide you with the best experience possible.

Cookies are small text files sent from our web server to the browser you use and stored on your device so that our site can recognize them.

There are two main types of cookies - permanent or temporary (session) cookies. Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for a longer period of time. Session cookies are temporarily stored on your computer when you visit a site from our portfolio but are deleted the moment you close the page.

Most cookies do not contain sensitive or detailed information about you or personal data that we can use to recognize or directly identify you.

By using our website, you agree that we may store cookies on your computer or mobile device.

What cookies do we use on our website?

1.1 Mandatory data or cookies that allow the normal functionality of the site.

Without such data or cookies, the site will not function properly, and they cannot be excluded from this system. If you want to turn off these cookies, you can do it manually, through your browser settings. Keep in mind that this will degrade the functionality of the site and may make it impossible for it to function properly.

Such data can be the data from your session - information whether you are logged in, information whether you have agreed to certain conditions, and others. This includes the data related to your identification in connection with the registration for the use of our service.

1.2. Third-party data or cookies for measuring and counting traffic, which guarantee your anonymity.

In order to improve the service, we offer and the quality of the content on our site, we collect information about the pages you visit, the time spent on them, and other interactions that you may have on our site.

1.3. Third-party data or cookies for advertising purposes

These are cookies that are intended to show you personalized ads or content based on your previous interactions or logins to sites, where you may have consented to receive personalized ads.

1.4. Personalization and Profiling data

These cookies or information help present profiled and personalized ads that may be visible on our website or other websites, platforms or applications.

1.5. Cookies for direct marketing and remarketing

This data helps us to send you the most up-to-date information about the services or goods you are looking for.

Removal/ disabling cookies.

You can control the settings of the cookie you receive from our site in the browser you use or in the privacy settings. Please note that if you restrict cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the website.

The technical information we collect on the basis of cookies does not constitute personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on personal data protection), as it is not sufficiently individualistic. Its use is necessary for the functioning of the website, for gathering the required information, including such required by law, for guaranteeing the security of the users of the website, as well as for improving the services we provide you.


All future changes to our Cookie Policy will be published on this page.

Contact details of the controller in connection with personal data:

Олга Колежа

Adress: Sofia, Младост 2, bl. 213, fl. 12, ap. 90

phone: 0884045663


Last updated: 09.06.2023


The cookie policy is prepared by theAdvocatus.bgteam.